First, before we start talking about the Electrical Wiring of Chevrolet 6 (years 1962), we would give you a little explanation about the name colors uses in the Wiring Diagrams of Chevrolet 6. The Colors name such as Yellow, Natural, Orange Black, Red, Brown, Light Green, Blue and others, represent the cable color / wiring color that would gave you a help on decided or distinguished between each other. It especially because the Electrical Wiring Diagram of this Car, actually in real situation, are not as simple as what we gave you below. You need to know the structure of the body casing of the Chevrolet 6 and the exact location of each lamps, transistor, or other device engine / feature.
Full Wiring Diagrams Cable Electrical for Chevrolet 1962 (click to enlarge) |
Why you need to know the blue print of Wiring Diagrams of your car or your device (in this case the electrical wiring of Chevrolet 6)? Although you don't actually need to know each of cable wiring on each part of your Automotive Mobile, you still need to know how it connected to each parts in the future. If you car is quite old, just like this 1962 Chevrolet, you will face a lot of problem in the future regarding with the Car. For example your Voltage Regulator or High Beam and Low Beam or Direction Signal and Parking Light suddenly shut down aka not working. What should you do?